2500 Yonge St (Capitol Theatre) Scaffold Removal and Street Alteration

Construction of the new condominium on Yonge at Castlefield is progressing well and shortly the reinforcement structure, pictured below, will be removed from the brick Heritage Wall. This work, which will likely begin this September, is expected to last 5 – 7 months and will necessitate the following changes to Yonge to protect construction crews, pedestrians and road users during the removal process:

  • The temporary sidewalk on the west side of Yonge will be removed and the passageway for pedestrians will be on the street separated from traffic by construction cones. 
  • During daytime working hours, there will be one lane for traffic for each of the northbound and southbound directions.
  • During non-working hours, there will be two lanes northbound and one lane southbound available.

Once the removal of the structure is complete, the street will revert back to its present configuration until the construction of the condominium is completed.