Developer denied additional stories at 3180 Yonge and the latest re: Avenue and Lawrence


In November 2022 Moncrest (formerly NYX Capital), the developer of 3180 Yonge (between Bedford Park and Woburn), Bedford Park Residents Organization and LPRO reached a settlement before the Ontario Land Tribunal. Notwithstanding that mediated settlement, in August 2024, Moncrest went before the Committee of Adjustment for approval to:

  • Add 4 more stories
  • Add 38 more units
  • Increase the overall building size by one third

Shadows would fully cover houses on Woburn Avenue on both sides of the street in the morning, as well as across Yonge Street in the late afternoon.

The City’s Planning Department recommended refusal of the application. LPRO wrote a letter of objection to the Committee of Adjustment: Letter of Objection from LPRO to C of A re: 3180 Yonge. A local resident also wrote an excellent letter to the Committee of Adjustment outlining the impact on the neighbourhood. With his permission we have made it available here: Letter of Objection from Jim Errington to C of A re: 3180 Yonge. Councillor Mike Colle has also written the Committee of Adjustment opposing the application: Councillor Colle Letter to C of A re: 3180 Yonge

The Committee of Adjustment denied the developer’s request at the August 29 proceeding.

Unfortunately the Developer can still appeal to the Toronto Local Appeal Body. In a letter to residents re: 3180 dated September 3, 2024, Councillor Colle explains why the developer could succeed with this request in spite of reaching a mediated settlement with the Ontario Land Tribunal almost two years ago, and urges residents to voice their objections to the provincial government.

For more background on this proposed development go to 3180 Yonge


The applicant has appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal for amendments to the Official Plan and to the Zoning By-law for this site. Lytton Park Residents’ Organization and Bedford Park Residents Organization are jointly a Party to the Appeal, as is the City of Toronto. Mediation with the Parties is taking place in June, July and August 2024 to try to obtain a settlement. The site is basically a new city block at the northeast corner of Avenue Road and Lawrence Avenue. The southern, Lawrence Ave. border extends from Avenue Road to the Douglas Greenbelt across from Rosewell Ave. to the south. The eastern edge of the site borders the Douglas Greenbelt from Lawrence Ave to Douglas Ave. The northern border is along Douglas Ave from the Douglas Greenbelt to Avenue Road.

Two buildings are expected to be built in two stages, with Pusateri’s staying open in its current location until the first building is completed. Traffic circulation in, out, and within the site is under consideration. Protection of the Douglas Greenbelt natural heritage site is an important element of the development plan. A new City Park is part of the plan. Residents are primarily concerned with the public realm, including adequate sidewalk space, green infrastructure, safety of pedestrians from vehicular traffic, having an inviting access to the Greenbelt, responsible massing, and mitigation of spillover traffic vis-à-vis Douglas Ave. and Rosewell Ave.

For background information on the largest re-development in our area, go to Development at Avenue and Lawrence