2674- 2704 Yonge Street


On September 16, 2020 a rezoning application for this property at the southwest corner of Yonge and Alexandra was submitted by Triage Developments. The land assembly consists of the former Trull Funeral Home site and the low-rise apartment building to the south (2674-2704 Yonge Street).
North York Community Council considered a preliminary report on November 4, 2020 which identifies issues to be addressed and resulted in the scheduling of a community consultation meeting. LPRO submitted a letter to the committee with our initial comments on the proposal.

A community consultation meeting was held in January 2021. City Planning and The Developer each gave a presentation followed by questions and comments from members of the public. Issues raised by community members included a lack of on-site parkland, height, setbacks, traffic and shadow impacts.

Revised plans for a 9-storey condominium building were submitted in December 2021. The new proposal involved a small expansion of Snider Parkette and a new pathway to connect Snider Parkette to Alexandra Blvd. 


North York Community Council and City Council gave final approval to the proposal in June and July 2022 respectively: demolition of the existing three-storey apartment building containing 31 rental dwelling units and ground-level retail along Yonge Street, and a Zoning By-law Amendment to permit a nine-storey mixed-use building with ground-level retail on Yonge. The building will have 91 dwelling units where 31 dwelling units will be rental replacement. The developer will also pay for the restoration of the Alexandra Gates, in consultation with the Councillor for Ward 8, LPRO and neighbouring residents.

The Planning Staff report is available at the following link. Additional project documents can be found on the City’s Application Information Centre by clicking here, and then clicking the “Supporting Documents” dropdown. 
